World’s first Green IT Zone established in Columbus

If you’ve never heard of green technology, you’re about to. Columbus is setting the pace for tech and IT sustainability, outlining basic principles in what’s known as the Green IT Playbook to establish the world’s first “Green IT Zone.”

The vision is simple for the Columbus Region to become the nation’s first Green IT Zone, an area defined by a broad coalition of organizations committing to a shared vision of sustainability in their technology and IT operations to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and accelerate positive community impact.

The playbook includes 11 best practices for developing cleantech that combats climate change, saves natural resources, and prevents further damage to our ecosystems. Each focus area provides measurable metrics, implementation suggestions, and success story insights.

The Green IT Zone initiative sets the stage for carbon emission mitigation with a focus on reducing the IT sector's carbon footprint. Emissions within the industry are expected to increase significantly by 2040. (In 2021, tech companies were responsible for 5% of global CO2 emissions. That number is expected to surge to 14% by 2040.)

Smart Columbus and Rackspace Technology co-authored the playbook in partnership with Green IT Working Group.

Smart Columbus is a collaborative innovation lab focused on leveraging technology to solve complex community problems, close gaps, and create a more sustainable and digitally enabled future.

Rackspace Technology is a global multicloud service provider committed to developing a more sustainable future by leveraging advancements in tech. Other contributing companies include T-CETRA, Expedient, and Huntington National Bank, among others.

What it Means to Ohio

As technologies like artificial intelligence and electric vehicles grow, more and more tech companies will need to invest in cost-effective green business models that rely on renewable energy sources.

Collaboration from Central Ohio-based businesses to establish the Green IT Playbook positions Columbus as the first green IT region in America, placing it at the forefront for developing clean energy practices and attracting greentech companies. Contributors to the playbook shared their performance against green IT metrics to establish a baseline for greenhouse gas emissions and more. Performance in regard to energy efficiency will be tracked yearly.

GreenTech initiatives create more sustainable production, a cleaner tech industry, and cultivate a more diverse IT workforce. As the first global Green IT Zone, other regions will certainly look to Ohio for guidance and direction. 

What They’re Saying

"The Columbus Green IT Playbook is a game-changer for the Region; the 11 actionable metrics, the Playbook, and community dialogue help make our Region a national leader in sustainable IT. With the IT sector consuming a significant amount of global electricity, we must take steps towards reducing energy consumption. We can work towards a more sustainable future by implementing the strategies outlined in the Playbook."

- Ben Blanquera, Vice President of Technology and Sustainability for Rackspace Technology

“We are constantly seeking emerging ways to leverage technology for community good. The Green IT Playbook is a perfect example how the private and public sector can collaborate and use technology to address community priorities while setting the Columbus region apart as a national leader in sustainability.”

- Marcus Carano, Project Manager at Smart Columbus

Couri Johnson

Couri Johnson holds a Ph.D. from the University of Louisiana at Lafayette and is a published author. For more of her work, visit

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