Google to invest another $2.3 billion into Ohio - growing cloud and AI infrastructure

Google is investing billions into Ohio, again. Today, in front of a crowd of elected officials, education leaders, and business partners Google announced a $2.3 billion investment in Ohio for 2024.

This expansion will further develop the company’s infrastructure and Data Center sites in Columbus, Lancaster, and New Albany. This latest announcement adds $2.3 billion to the over $4.4 billion already invested since 2019 when the first data center in New Albany broke ground.

Google’s Ohio data centers are critical to the digital services many rely on daily, such as Google Cloud, Search, Maps, and Workspace. These centers drive the digital economy and support Google’s AI innovations and extensive customer base.

Google’s Ohio impact

The Columbus cloud region, which opened in 2022, is part of Google Cloud's global network, providing services to a diverse range of local clients including the State of Ohio, Nationwide, Victoria’s Secret, Wendy’s, and Huntington National Bank.

Google’s economic influence in Ohio is substantial. In the past year alone, the company contributed over $14 billion to the state’s economy, supporting thousands of businesses, nonprofits, and developers. Additionally, more than 325,000 Ohio residents have received digital skills training through Google’s collaborations with local organizations, such as public libraries and community colleges.

Google also announced a $100,000 grant to the Hamilton Local School District to support workforce and teacher professional development. This initiative is part of Google’s broader effort to prepare the workforce for the jobs of tomorrow, emphasizing community development and long-term economic growth.

The environmental impact of Google’s operations is also a priority. Google aims to run its data centers on carbon-free energy 24/7 by 2030. The partnership with EDP Renewables North America to create a 500-megawatt community-based solar energy portfolio is a step towards this goal, benefiting Ohio’s energy grid and supporting energy efficiency programs for low- and moderate-income households.

This investment by Google not only underscores Ohio’s strategic importance in the tech sector but also promises significant advancements in AI and cloud infrastructure, making Ohio a pivotal player in the nation’s digital transformation.

For more information about Google’s impact in Ohio, visit

What they’re saying

“Data centers are essential to our digital lives and Google’s additional multibillion dollar investment further establishes central Ohio as an important tech hub in America. We value Google’s continued investment for the jobs and economic impact, and we look forward to additional partnerships in education, AI, and energy to further enhance Ohio’s position as the tech hub of the Midwest.”

- Ohio Lt. Governor Jon Husted

"Google's continued investment in Ohio is made possible by our close collaboration with business and community leaders across the state. We hope to continue the momentum of economic growth across Ohio and help accelerate its digital future, which includes continuing to deliver AI innovation across our enterprise and consumer services.”

- Jim Anderson, VP of North America Partner Ecosystem and Channels at Google Cloud

“Nationwide understands first-hand the talent, creativity, and technological prowess that comes from and is drawn to Ohio. We’re looking forward to our continued collaboration with Google and the innovation we can drive together.”

- Jim Fowler, Chief Technology Officer at Nationwide

“By investing in our local schools, we aren’t just thinking about jobs. We are helping inspire and develop the communities of tomorrow. This is an investment in all of our futures.”

- Ohio native Mark Isakowitz, VP of Government Affairs and Public Policy, US & Canada at Google

“For the second time in less than a year, Google has chosen to invest in our state’s future. Today’s announcement will provide good-paying jobs in the Fifteenth District and support technical infrastructure in the Midwest and beyond. The ‘Silicon Heartland' is excited to work hand-in-hand to move our country forward!”

- Congressman Mike Carey

"Google’s selection of the Central Ohio region for their new $2.3 billion data center site demonstrates that Ohio has the capacity and dedicated workforce to help build the foundation for digital transformation and AI innovations that will propel our nation into the future. I’m proud to support this historic project as Google and Ohio forge a strong partnership that will lead to job growth and technical innovation serving people and businesses around the world. This is a great moment for Central Ohio."

- Congresswoman Joyce Beatty

“Ohio has firmly established itself as a national leader in private sector innovation and growth. Businesses, both large and small, recognize the value of our skilled workforce and are choosing to invest in our communities. Today’s announcement from Google further solidifies Ohio’s reputation as the ‘Silicon Heartland.’ While this investment will help create jobs today, it will also open doors and provide opportunities for the next generation.”

- Congressman Troy Balderson


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