State of Ohio opens 2025 High School Tech Internship Program application period
Columbus City Schools high school students visit Meta’s New Albany Data Center as part of 2023 Ohio Tech Day.
Ohio Lt. Governor Jon Husted, who also serves as the Director of the Governor’s Office of Workforce Transformation, has announced that applications are now open for the State of Ohio's 2025 High School Tech Internship program. This initiative is designed to help businesses access critical tech talent while providing high school students with valuable hands-on work experience to jumpstart their careers.
Why this matters to Ohio
The program is a continuation of the State’s efforts to increase the amount of Ohioans in in-demand career fields and is designed to provide Ohio students with a valuable experiences and an entry point into the tech industry while fulfilling the workforce needs of Ohio-based businesses.
“Last year, we had nearly 1,000 high school students participate in this program, giving them a great opportunity to try out a career in their local communities,” said Lt. Governor Husted. “It’s vital that students have work-based learning experiences prior to graduation, providing them with the real-world skills and knowledge they need to enter the workforce.”
Program details
The program is now open to enrollment applications from Ohio students and companies.
To participate in the program, individual students or school districts are required to reach out to the intermediary organizations in their region of Ohio. The five intermediaries facilitate the connection between high school students and businesses hosting the tech internship experiences.
Interns in the program will undertake responsibilities similar to entry-level positions in various tech roles such as software development, data analysis, cloud and IT infrastructure, cybersecurity, broadband/5G, advanced mobility, and more.
The benefit to businesses
Ohio employers hosting interns will receive reimbursement of up to 75% of the wages paid to interns, capped at $5,000 per intern. Additionally, employers have the opportunity to earn bonuses for each student who achieves specific industry-recognized credentials.
According to the state, for a business to qualify for wage reimbursement, the company must submit documentation to the local education partner proving the student was employed for a minimum of 120 hours and was paid at least $12 per hour.
For more information, please visit the State of Ohio’s program webpage.